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Live Sessions

FAQs answered by medical experts and doctors

  • Sessions on our Youtube channel regarding covid diet and vaccination
Covid Support Awareness Initiative

Saksham Covid Awareness

One to one sessions with medical experts and doctors on FAQs on Covid


Doctor Connections


Requirements Assisted




Cities Reached


A group of voluteers from social service organization, Atom To Byte initiated the covid support and awareness program to help people fight against Covid19 Corona Virus by helping them getting registered for covid vaccines.
Join us by clicking the "Join SAKSHAM" button and stay updated and in touch with everything you need to fight and win the battle against the covid19 corona virus.

Words From People

SAKSHAM Program is helping a lot of people in getting medical supplies, online doctor consulatation, vaccine registeration and other essentials. It has been our honour serving the people in need. Here are words from a few people whom we have served.

Riya Singh

Dhanbad, Jharkhand

I came to know about SAKSHAM while I was looking for oxygen bed in Dhanbad. The team's quick response and arrangements made it easy for me to find one. Way to go SAKSHAM!

Adnan Sheikh

New Delhi

The resource for free online doctor consulatation was very helpful for my family. Linktree link that SAKSHAM maintains is really good.

Ankush Singh

Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Friend in need is friend indeed. Thank yu for helping SAKSHAM.

Kumar Swami

Chilakapalem, Andhra Pradesh

The nationwide contacts of SAKSHAM helped me get in touch with people and that inspired me to make a local self help group for Covid Support in my city.

Bharat Ratanala

Srikakulum, Andhra Pradesh

The Social Talks video on Covid Support helped me in gaining knowledge about defense against covid 19. Thank you for such wonderful sessions.